The tentative parcel map shall be legibly drawn on one or more eighteen inch by twenty six inch (18" x 26") or four hundred sixty millimeter by six hundred sixty millimeter (460mm x 660mm) sheet(s). A marginal line shall be drawn completely around each sheet, leaving a blank margin or one inch (1") on twenty five millimeters (25mm). The scale of the map shall be one inch equals one hundred feet (1" = 100'), and enough sheets shall be used to show all details clearly. Every tentative parcel map application shall include the following information on the map, to the extent required or permitted by section 66445 of the subdivision map act, or in a separate document or one or more additional map sheets:
   A.   Title of the map.
   B.   Name and address of owner(s) of record of the land to be subdivided.
   C.   Name and address of subdivider.
   D.   Name and address of registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor who prepared the map.
   E.   Date of preparation, north arrow and scale of drawing.
   F.   A vicinity map showing the location of the land to be subdivided in relation to the surrounding area. The scale shall be large enough to be legible, but small enough to show a one-fourth (1/4) mile radius of the surrounding area.
   G.   Legal description of property to be subdivided.
   H.   Existing and proposed land uses and zone districts.
   I.   Total acreage of land to be subdivided.
   J.   Dimensions and area of each parcel and remainder, if any.
   K.   Contour lines drawn to one foot (1') intervals if the grades of the land exceed one percent (1%).
   L.   Approximate location and species of all existing trees located on the land to be subdivided.
   M.   Location, name and right of way width of all roads within and adjacent to the land to be subdivided.
   N.   Location of any existing structures, irrigation ditches, wells, pipelines and utility lines to be left in place or relocated.
   O.   Any designated floodplain areas and their respective floodplain elevations.
   P.   Existing and proposed easements together with their widths.
   Q.   Curve radii of all streets.
   R.   Each parcel, identified by a number or letter.
   S.   Description and location of community facilities and utilities which would serve proposed parcels.
   T.   Location of official street plan lines crossing or abutting the property to be subdivided.
   U.   Soils report as required by subsection 11-2-4D of this title. (Ord. 2000-05, 4-25-2000)