A.   Description:
      1.   The final map shall be prepared by or under the direction of a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor, shall be based on a survey, and shall be legibly drawn, printed or reproduced by a process guaranteeing a permanent record in black on tracing cloth or polyester base film. Certificates, affidavits and acknowledgments may be legibly stamped or printed upon the map with opaque ink. If ink is used on polyester base film, the ink surface shall be coated with a suitable substance to assure permanent legibility.
      2.   The size of each sheet shall be eighteen inches by twenty six inches (18" x 26") or four hundred sixty millimeters by six hundred sixty millimeters (460mm x 660mm). A marginal line shall be drawn completely around each sheet, leaving an entirely blank margin or one inch (1") or twenty five millimeters (25mm). The scale of the map shall be large enough to show all details clearly, and enough sheets shall be used to accomplish this end. The particular number of the sheet and the total number of sheets comprising the map shall be stated on each of the sheets, and its relation to each adjoining sheet shall be clearly shown. Affidavits, certificates, acknowledgments, endorsements, acceptances of dedication and seals required by the subdivision map act, by this title or by other provisions of law shall appear on the first sheet, and may be combined where appropriate.
   B.   Information Required:
      1.   Index And Location Map:
         a.   If more than two (2) sheets are used to show the actual layout of the streets and lots, an index shall be used showing the relationship of the sheets.
         b.   A location map shall appear on the map, showing the relative position of the land to be subdivided with the rest of the section or sections in which it lies and also the surrounding existing subdivisions (if any), including their names and tract numbers. The location map shall include all survey information which was necessary to actually set the exterior control monuments of the new subdivision. The location map shall show city boundaries crossing or adjoining the subdivision.
         c.   Affidavits, certificates, acknowledgments, endorsements, acceptance of dedication and seals required by law, the subdivision map act, by this title or by other provisions of law shall appear on the first sheet.
      2.   Subdivision Name; Exterior Boundaries: The subdivision name, if one is used, and the tract number shall conspicuously appear on each sheet of the final map. On one of the sheets, there shall be a legal description of the exterior boundaries of the area subdivided. The exterior boundary of the land to be divided shall be indicated by a blue colored border one-eighth (1/8) of an inch in width.
      3.   Lots And Blocks: Each lot shall be numbered or lettered consecutively beginning with lot no. 1; except, that when the final map is an additional phase of an existing subdivision, the lot numbers shall commence with the next number higher than in the preceding phase. The area of each lot shall be shown on the final map.
Blocks, if used, shall be consecutively lettered or numbered. Each block and each parcel shall be shown completely on one sheet.
      4.   Public Dedications: The final map shall show the width, location and the names (without abbreviation) or other sufficient designation of the following:
         a.   New streets.
         b.   Public areas and easements.
         c.   Adjoining streets.
         d.   All other existing streets, easements, rights of way and other real property interests to be dedicated for public purposes.
      5.   Technical Information:
         a.   Dimensions of all lot lines, subdivision perimeter and centerline of streets shall be shown in feet and decimals thereof to the nearest one-hundredth (1/100) of a foot and bearings to the nearest second. If a course is a curve, the radius, length of curve or bearing and length of chord, and central angle shall be shown. If the ends of a curve are not tangent to the preceding or following courses and the chord along with its bearing and length are not shown, the radial of the end of the curve, with its bearing, shall be shown.
         b.   All required information shall be shown in full for all portions of the map. No ditto marks shall be used with respect to any required information.
         c.   The width of each street right of way shall be shown indicating the widths on each side of the centerline. If additional right of way for an existing street is offered for dedication, the original right of way and the additional right of way width offered for dedication shall be shown along with the total width of the new right of way.
         d.   The final map shall clearly show existing monuments or other evidence found on the ground to confirm the boundaries of the subdivision. The corners of adjoining subdivisions or portions thereof shall be indicated on the final map and ties shown.
         e.   Survey monuments shall be established and shown at the following locations:
            (1)   Intersection of street centerlines.
            (2)   Beginning and ending of curves or intersection of tangents on street centerlines.
            (3)   Any other locations required by the city engineer.
      6.   Record Of Easements: The final map shall show the location, width and side lines of all easements to which the lots are subject. Easements for storm drains, sewers and other purposes shall be denoted by broken lines. Each easement shall be clearly labeled and identified, and if already of record, proper reference to the records shall be given. Easements being offered for dedication shall be so indicated in the statement of dedication.
      7.   Abandonment Of Public Streets And Easements: The final map shall adequately delineate any public streets or public easements to be left in effect after the subdivision. The filing of the final map shall constitute abandonment of all public streets and public easements not shown on the final map, provided that a written notation of each abandonment is listed by reference to the recording data or other official record creating these public streets or public easements and certified on the map by the city clerk. Before a public easement vested in another public entity may be abandoned pursuant to this subsection, the applicant shall notify the public entity of the proposed abandonment. The applicant shall submit with the final map written verification that the public entity has received the notice. No public easement vested in another public entity shall be abandoned pursuant to this subsection if that public entity objects to the proposed abandonment.
   C.   Certificates On Final Map: The final map shall contain or be accompanied by all certificates required by the subdivision map act. It shall also contain any other certificates that may be required by the planning commission or city council.
   D.   Statements On Final Map: The following statements shall be on the final map or in a separate document or map sheet:
      1.   Owner Statement: Subject to section 66436 of the subdivision map act, a statement signed by all parties having record title interest in the land subdivided, consenting to the preparation and recordation of the map and dedication to the public of specific parcels or easements.
      2.   Engineer Or Surveyor Statement: A statement, signed and sealed by the engineer or surveyor responsible for preparation of the final map, as provided in section 66441 of the subdivision map act.
      3.   City Engineer Or City Surveyor Statement: A statement, signed by the city engineer and/or city surveyor, that the map was examined by him and the subdivision as shown is substantially the same as it appeared on the approved tentative map and, if required, any approved alterations thereof, and that all the provisions of the subdivision map act, this title and any other local ordinance applicable at the time of approval of the tentative map have been complied with, and that he is satisfied that the map is technically correct.
      4.   Planning Commission Statement: A statement signed by the secretary of the planning commission, indicating the date of the meeting in which tentative map was approved.
      5.   City Clerk Statement: If any real property is offered for dedication for public use on the final map or by a separate instrument, a statement signed by the city clerk on the final map stating that the city council approved the map and accepted, accepted subject to improvement or rejected on behalf of the public any of the real property offered for dedication. (Ord. 2000-05, 4-25-2000)