It is the purpose of this title to regulate the division of land, supplement the provisions of the subdivision map act, promote orderly development, ensure compliance with zoning and building regulations, promote the health, safety and welfare, and implement the general plan of the city. Further, this title is intended to provide, among other things:
A. Adequate access to all lots or parcels created by the division of land.
B. A safe and efficient traffic circulation system.
C. Subdivision design and improvements that will not adversely affect the values or enjoyment of nearby properties.
D. Adequate street rights of way, easements, and other public and private improvements.
E. Water supply that is adequate for planned land uses and fire protection.
F. Adequate systems for sewage disposal and storm water drainage.
G. Protection of natural features and resources.
H. A pleasant environment for living and working.
I. Integrated community development.
J. Encouragement of alternative forms of transportation.
K. Efficient development patterns to conserve agricultural lands. (Ord. 2000-05, 4-25-2000)
A. Where this title imposes greater restrictions or regulations than are imposed or required by an existing ordinance, deed restriction, covenant, easement or agreement between parties, this title shall prevail to the extent allowed by law.
B. The regulations set forth in this title apply to all subdivisions, lot line adjustments, condominium conversions and reversions to acreage within the city, and to the preparation of subdivision maps and other maps provided for by the subdivision map act. Each subdivision of land, lot line adjustment, condominium conversion and reversion to acreage within the city shall comply with this title.
Pursuant to section 66412.5 of the subdivision map act, this title and the subdivision map act shall not apply to subdivisions of four (4) parcels or less for construction of removable commercial buildings having a floor area of less than one hundred (100) square feet where subdivision is for purposes of lease or financing, but shall apply where subdivision is for purposes of sale.
C. The word "may" is permissive. The word "shall" is mandatory. All words in the singular shall include the plural, and all words in the plural shall include the singular. Each tense shall include all other tenses. Each gender shall include the other gender.
D. Amendments to this title may be made as provided in title 10, chapter 22 of this code. (Ord. 2000-05, 4-25-2000)
Words and phrases used in this title shall have the meanings set forth in this section. These definitions shall apply in addition to those stated in title 10, chapter 2 of this code and article 2 of the subdivision map act.
ADVISORY AGENCY: For the purposes of section 66415 of the subdivision map act, shall be the planning commission, except where such duties and authorities are expressly delegated to another person or body by the other provisions of this title.
ALLEY: Any public or private way intended for vehicles, servicing the rear or the side of property served by a street.
APPLICANT: A person submitting a tentative subdivision map, tentative parcel map or final map to the community development department, or requesting any other approval, determination or permit pursuant to this title.
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR OR DIRECTOR: The director of the community development department for the city.
COUNTY RECORDER: The county recorder of the county of Fresno, California.
DEDICATION: A transfer by a subdivider of title or any other interest in property to the city or other public entity, or to a public utility.
DEPARTMENT: The community development department of the city.
DESIGNATED REMAINDER: Any unit or units of improved or unimproved land not divided for the purposes of sale, lease, or finance and designated as a remainder by a subdivider for purposes of section 66424.6 of the subdivision map act.
EASEMENT: A right of way offered or dedicated to the city or other public entity or a public utility for purposes of providing access to a division of land, for placing utilities, or for any other specified purpose.
FINAL MAP: An official subdivision map filed for record with the county recorder pursuant to chapter 2 of this title and the subdivision map act, evidencing divisions of land.
FINAL PARCEL MAP: An official parcel map filed for record with the county recorder pursuant to chapter 3 of this title and the subdivision map act, evidencing division of land.
FRONTAGE STREET: The street paralleling a street, freeway or highway and intended to provide access to one or more lots or parcels and separated from the other street, freeway or highway by a strip of open land or a barrier.
GENERAL PLAN: The official comprehensive general plan of the city, pursuant to chapter 3 of the state planning and zoning law, which sets forth its major policies, guidelines and regulations for orderly long term physical development of the city.
IMPROVEMENT PLANS: The plans, profiles, cross sections and specifications for all proposed improvements.
IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS: The requirements for design and construction of improvements established by the city council as set forth in the "Standard Specifications" and "Standard Plans" of the city.
MERGER: The joining of two (2) or more contiguous parcels or units of land held by the same owner.
PLANNING COMMISSION OR COMMISSION: The planning commission duly appointed by the city council and serving as the advisory agency for purposes of this title.
SIDEWALK, MONOLITHIC: A sidewalk built adjacent to the curb.
SIDEWALK, PARKWAY: A sidewalk built sufficiently away from the curb in order to have a landscaped strip between the curb and sidewalk.
STREET, ARTERIAL: A street that is used or is intended to be used as the principal route of traffic flow, connecting areas of major traffic generation to highways and county roads.
STREET, COLLECTOR: A street that is used or is intended to be used for the principal purpose of collecting traffic from local streets and transferring it to arterial streets or highways.
STREET, CUL-DE-SAC: A street that terminates in a permanent turnaround and which by design is not intended to continue beyond its terminal point.
STREET, DEDICATED: A right of way dedicated to the city and legally accepted by the city council for public use as a street.
STREET, LOCAL: A street that is used or is intended to be used for the principal purpose of serving as access to abutting properties.
STREET, PRIVATE: A street privately owned and maintained and approved by the city council for street purposes, which has not been dedicated or accepted as a public street and which connects parcels or lots with a public street.
STREET, PUBLIC: Any street which is dedicated or proposed to be dedicated for public use and is maintained or proposed to be maintained by the city, county or state.
STREET, STUB: A street which terminates at the boundary line of a subdivision, but is intended and designed to be extended at a later date to provide access to abutting parcels or lots.
SUBDIVIDER: A person, firm, corporation, partnership or association who proposes to divide, divides or causes to be divided real property into a subdivision for himself or others. Employees and consultants or such persons or entities, acting in that capacity, are not "subdividers".
SUBDIVISION: The division, by any subdivider, of any unit or units of improved or unimproved land, or any portion thereof, shown on the latest equalized county assessment roll as a unit or as contiguous units, for the purpose of sale, lease or financing, whether immediate or future. Property shall be considered as contiguous units, even if it is separated by streets, utility easements or railroad rights of way. Any conveyance of land to a governmental agency, public entity, public utility or subsidiary of a public utility for conveyance to that public utility for rights of way shall not be considered a division of land for purposes of computing the number of parcels. For purposes of the preceding sentence, any conveyance of land to a governmental agency shall include a fee interest, an easement or a license.
SUBDIVISION MAP ACT: Government Code division 2 of title 7, commencing with section 66410, as amended from time to time.
SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE: This title 11, as amended from time to time.
TEMPORARY TURNAROUND: A paved area for turning vehicles at the end of a dead end street, which is constructed either within the dedicated right of way or upon a temporary easement and which is intended to be replaced or removed after a period of time.
TENTATIVE MAP: A map made for the purpose of showing the design and improvement of a proposed division of land and the existing conditions in and around it, and required to be presented to the community development department in order to officially commence the process of dividing the land in accordance with the requirements of chapter 2 of this title and the subdivision map act.
TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP: A map made for the purpose of showing the design and improvement of a proposed division of land and the existing conditions in and around it, and required to be presented to the department in order to officially commence the process of dividing land in accordance with the requirements of chapter 3 of this title and the subdivision map act.
VESTING TENTATIVE MAP: A tentative subdivision map or tentative parcel map which meets the city ordinances, standards and policies in effect at the time of its approval and on its approval confers a vested right on the subdivider to proceed in substantial compliance with ordinances, policies and standards in effect at the time the city determines the application for approval of the map is complete. At the time a vesting tentative map is filed, it shall have the words "vesting tentative map" conspicuously printed on its face. (Ord. 2000-05, 4-25-2000)
A. Community Development Department: The community development department shall receive, process and review all subdivision applications, prepare staff reports and recommend approval, conditional approval or disapproval based upon the design, improvement and land use proposed by the subdivider. The department's recommendations on design, improvement and land use shall be based upon:
1. Compliance with the general plan.
2. Concept evaluation of development.
3. Lot size, design and suitability for intended use.
4. Location of school, park sites and other public facilities.
5. Compatibility with the zoning code.
6. Location, size and serviceability of open space.
7. Compliance with the city's established policies. The department shall act as a liaison for processing of tentative maps or tentative parcel maps and final maps or final parcel maps.
B. Planning Commission: The planning commission shall be responsible for approval, conditional approval or disapproval of tentative maps and tentative parcel maps.
C. City Council: The city council shall have final jurisdiction in the approval of final maps and final parcel maps and related improvement agreements and the acceptance by the city of lands and/or improvements as may be offered for dedication.
D. City Engineer: The city engineer shall recommend approval, conditional approval or disapproval of tentative maps and tentative parcel maps based upon improvements and facilities proposed by the subdivider upon good engineering practices, and upon the design, location, operation, use and maintenance of improvements. (Ord. 2000-05, 4-25-2000)