Portable storage containers, such as PODS or larger shipping containers are becoming more popular as a low cost means of providing additional secure storage during construction or remodeling in lieu of permanent accessory structure or off site fee based storage. To protect the residential character of the neighborhood, placement of any portable storage unit is subject to the following restrictions:
   A.   It is unlawful for any person to place or permit the placement of a portable storage unit(s) on property with a residential zone district classification, unless the placement complies with this section.
      1.   Portable storage unit(s) shall be placed on the driveway or a parking area, or the side or rear yard if vehicular access exists at the side or rear of the site. The required parking space(s) shall at all times be maintained if a portable storage unit(s) is placed in parking areas.
      2.   No more than two (2) portable storage units may be placed on the property at any time.
      3.   The portable storage unit(s) may be located at such property for a maximum of fourteen (14) consecutive days, including the days of delivery and removal. The limited purpose is the portable storage of furniture, clothing or other household belongings, coming from or to a structure on the property.
      4.   The date that the portable storage unit(s) is delivered must be clearly posted, in a weather resistant manner, on the exterior of the unit.
      5.   The ancillary placement of a portable storage unit(s) to a construction/rehabilitation project shall require a building permit from the community development department, building division. The fee for such a permit shall be set from time to time by city resolution, and shall be payable upon issuance of the permit. The permit shall be valid for up to one hundred eighty (180) days from issuance.
         a.   A permit may be renewed for another one hundred eighty (180) day period upon payment of any applicable fee.
         b.   No portable storage unit(s) shall be located on property beyond the time permitted.
      6.   The property owner and owner/supplier of the portable storage unit shall each be independently responsible for ensuring that the portable storage unit(s) is maintained in good condition, free from evidence of deterioration, weathering, discoloration, graffiti, rust, ripping, tearing or other holes or breaks, at all times.
      7.   No portable storage unit(s) shall be used to store solid waste, construction debris, demolition debris or any illegal or hazardous material. Upon reasonable notice to the property owner, the city may inspect the contents of any portable storage unit(s) at any reasonable time to ensure that it is not being used to store said materials.
      8.   No portable storage unit(s) may be used to house humans or animals of any kind.
      9.   Placement of a portable storage unit in the city's right of way or upon any public street is prohibited.
   B.   Portable storage unit(s) are allowed in the industrial zone districts, provided that the unit(s) be placed out of public view and/or screened from public view.
      1.   Placement of a portable storage unit(s) for permanent or semipermanent use shall require a building permit and shall have an engineered foundation and meet all other applicable codes and standards for placement on the property.
      2.   Portable storage unit(s) are prohibited on industrially zoned property on which the primary use is a nonconforming residential use unless a permit is obtained in accordance with subsection A5 of this section.
   C.   Portable storage unit(s) are allowed in the service commercial and central business zone districts, subject to the following conditions:
      1.   Any units are screened with sight obscuring fencing or landscaping approved by the community development department.
      2.   A permit is obtained from the community development department, building division, in accordance with subsection A5 of this section.
      3.   Any units shall only be used as a shipping container and applicable licenses shall be maintained for each container. The city may require proof of active licenses.
      4.   No unit(s) may be permanently installed.
      5.   Portable storage unit(s) are prohibited on service commercial zoned property or central business zoned property on which the primary use is a nonconforming residential use unless a permit is obtained in accordance with subsection A5 of this section. (Ord. 2016-003, 8-23-2016)