The following signs and devices shall not be subject to the provisions in this chapter:
   A.   Governmental: Signs placed by a governmental body or public utility, required to be maintained by law.
   B.   Memorial: Memorial tablets or plaques placed by recognized historical agencies.
   C.   Government Flags: Flags of the national or State government.
   D.   Traffic Signs: Traffic or other signs of government agencies, signs required by law or contract with a governmental agency, railroad crossing signs, legal notices and such temporary emergency or non-advertising signs as may be authorized by the City Council.
   E.   Holidays/Celebrations: Decorations or window signs to celebrate nationally recognized holidays and local celebrations.
   F.   Permanent Window Signs: Permanent window signs including hours of operation, credit card signs and similar ancillary business signs. Additionally "open", "closed" and "help wanted" signs may be placed. Signs indicating "open" and "closed" may be illuminated.
   G.   Political Signs: Political signs, that adhere to the following regulations:
      1.   Political signs are permitted on lots or parcels privately owned with permission of the property owner.
      2.   The combined area of a sign by any one candidate on any one parcel shall not exceed thirty two (32) square feet.
      3.   Political signs shall not be attached to trees, fence posts, or utility poles, except on private property where signs may be attached to trees and fence posts with permission of the property owner.
      4.   Political signs shall not be illuminated either directly or indirectly.
      5.   No political sign or portion thereof shall be placed in any street right-of-way or on any City owned property.
      6.   No sign shall be placed in a corner cutoff area, or within thirty feet (30') of intersecting curb lines of a street intersection, or placed in such a manner as to interfere with pedestrian traffic.
      7.   Political signs shall not be erected or placed more than sixty (60) days prior to the date of the election.
      8.   All political signs shall be removed within fourteen (14) days following the date of the election. Signs not removed within this period may be removed by the City and the cost of removal assessed against the candidate.
      9.   Provisions of this subsection shall not apply to political advertising on legally established existing commercial billboard structures.
      10.   All political signs shall comply with the regulations adopted by the Fair Political Practices Commission.
   H.   Murals: It is the intent of the City Council, for purposes of promoting the local economy, tourism, and for further purposes of beautifying the City, to adopt standards regarding murals, their location and design.
      1.   Location: Murals may be located on the sides of buildings and walls on property in any Commercial, Industrial or Public/Quasi-Public Zone District within the City.
      2.   Mural Design Approval: Prior to painting, installation and execution of a mural, an application shall be submitted to the Community Development Department. The application shall include a detailed drawing or sketch of the mural plus other details as prescribed on the application or deemed by the Community Development Department staff to be pertinent. The Community Development Department shall forward the application, with a recommendation, to the City Council. The City Council shall review and approve, approve with modifications, or deny the application as submitted.
      3.   Criteria For Design Of Murals:
         a.   Subject Matter: The subject matter shall be of historical significance regarding the growth and development of the City and its surrounding environs and be of such high quality as to be appropriate. A mural shall not contain elements that advertise an existing business or product.
         b.   Paint: The paint to be used shall be appropriate for use in an outdoor locale, for an artistic rendition and shall be of a permanent, long lasting variety.
         c.   Qualified Artists: The mural shall be designed and painted by qualified mural artists with sufficient knowledge in the design and painting of such projects.
         d.   Vandal Resistant: To the extent feasible, the mural shall be vandal and graffiti resistant.
         e.   City Council Approval: Approval of a mural design shall occur only after public notice and an opportunity for interested parties to present any appropriate comments, either in writing or orally, to the Planning Commission.
         f.   Mural Design Amendment: Prior to amending an approved mural design (whether painted or not painted), an application for an amendment shall be submitted to the Community Development Department. The application shall include a detailed drawing or sketch of the mural, plus other details as prescribed on the application or deemed by staff to be pertinent. The Community Development Department shall forward the application, with a recommendation, to the City Council. The Council shall review and approve, approve with modifications, or deny the application as submitted.
   I.   Real Estate Signage: It is the intent of the City Council, for purposes of promoting the local economy, tourism, and for further purposes of beautifying the City, to adopt standards regarding real estate signage, their location and design.
      1.   For Sale Or Lease: On-site or structure signs not exceeding four (4) square feet for single-family or duplexes and sixteen (16) square feet for multifamily, business, and industrial sites of up to two (2) acres in area, thirty two (32) square feet total sign area for multifamily, business, and industrial sites of two (2) acres or larger, and one in number per street frontage;
      2.   Open House; On Site: On-site or structure signs, between the hours of ten o'clock (10:00) A.M. and seven o'clock (7:00) P.M. daily, not exceeding four (4) square feet per sign and one in number per site or structure; and
      3.   Open House; Off-Site Residential: Open house signs for single-family, including duplexes, between the hours of ten o'clock (10:00) A.M. and seven o'clock (7:00) P.M. daily, not exceeding four (4) square feet per sign and one in number in the neighborhood of sales; not to be located in any center median of a public road or in a sidewalk right-of-way; and directional arrows with addresses not exceeding six (6) in number in the neighborhood of sales. In adopting this exemption for off-site residential open house signs, the Council finds as follows:
         a.   The City has a compelling interest to exempt certain signs to further the purpose and objectives of this chapter and to allow for the use of signs with minimal aesthetic impact because of their size and temporary nature.
         b.   The single-family residential real estate industry is distinct from other industries in that there are generally no storefronts available for advertising and most homes are not located adjacent to heavily traveled streets. This makes off-site signs that advertise available homes necessary for potential buyers to find them.
         c.   Real estate signs do not advertise goods or services, but actual locations. Directing potential buyers to an available home is necessary to facilitate real estate transactions as potential buyers must be able to find and view the available homes.
         d.   Single-family real estate sales are temporary and infrequent as opposed to sales from commercial businesses. Exempting single-family open house real estate signs will not lead to a proliferation of unsightly signs because they will be used only during very limited times when there is an open house, will be removed at the end of each day of use, and once a home is sold will no longer be used.
         e.   Exempting off-site open house real estate signs is necessary to allow homeowners to efficiently advertise and sell their properties as quickly as possible and to assist potential buyers in finding available homes within our community. (Ord. 2018-008, 1-8-2019)