A.   The UR urban reserve district is intended for exclusive application to the following areas which are designated by the general plan to be held in reserve for future urban expansion:
      1.   Areas designated as low density residential reserve.
      2.   Areas designated as medium density residential reserve.
      3.   Areas designated as limited industrial reserve.
      4.   Areas designated as general industrial reserve.
   B.   The purposes of this district are to: preserve the availability of lands required for future urban expansion; expedite the limited conversion of such lands to urban uses consistent with the general plan through the granting of a conditional use permit in lieu of requiring change of zone (amendment) procedure prior to actual development; and, to prevent the premature development of lands where the range of municipal type services required by the general plan is not yet available.
   C.   The rezoning of lands within the UR district to other appropriate district classifications is to be undertaken at such time as evidence of substantial development exists involving urban uses developed under the provisions of sections 10-5-2, 10-5-3 and 10-5-4 of this chapter. (Ord. 622, 9-2-1980)