Regulated projects include all new development or redevelopment projects that create and/or replace more than two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet of impervious surface (collectively over the entire project site) and lie within the stormwater service area that drains to the Kings River.
   A.   Additional regulated projects include, but are not limited to, the following road projects/practices:
      1.   Removing and replacing a paved surface resulting in alteration of the original line and grade, hydraulic capacity or overall footprint of the road.
      2.   Extending the pavement edge, or paving graveled shoulders.
      3.   Resurfacing by upgrading from dirt to asphalt, or concrete; upgrading from gravel to asphalt, or concrete; or upgrading from a bituminous surface treatment ("chip seal") to asphalt or concrete.
   B.   Regulated projects do not include:
      1.   The following road and parking lot maintenance:
         a.   Road surface repair including slurry sealing, fog sealing, and pothole and square cut patching.
         b.   Overlaying existing asphalt or concrete pavement with asphalt or concrete without expanding the area of coverage.
         c.   Shoulder grading.
         d.   Cleaning, repairing, maintaining, reshaping, or regarding drainage systems.
         e.   Crack sealing.
         f.   Resurfacing with in-kind material without expanding the road or parking lot.
         g.   Practices to maintain original line and grade, hydraulic capacity, and overall footprint of the road or parking lot.
         h.   Repair or reconstruction of the road because of slope failures, natural disasters, acts of God or other manmade disaster.
      2.   Sidewalk and bicycle path or lane projects, where no other impervious surfaces are created or replaced.
      3.   Trails and pathways, where no other impervious surfaces are replaced or created.
      4.   Underground utility projects that replace the ground surface with in-kind material or materials with similar runoff characteristics.
      5.   Curb and gutter improvement or replacement projects that are not part of any additional creation or replacement of impervious surface area (e.g., sidewalks, roadway).
      6.   Second story additions that do not increase the building footprint.
      7.   Raised (not built directly on the ground) decks, stairs, or walkways designed with spaces to allow for water drainage.
      8.   Photovoltaic systems installed on/over existing roof or other impervious surfaces and panels located over pervious surfaces with well maintained grass or vegetated ground cover or panel arrays with a buffer strip at the most down gradient row of panels.
      9.   Temporary structures (in place for less than 6 months).
      10.   Electrical and utility vaults, sewer and water lift stations, backflows and other utility devices.
      11.   Aboveground fuel storage tanks and fuel farms with spill containment system. (Ord. 2015-008, 10-13-2015)