All premises connected to the city sewerage facilities and receiving sewerage services shall pay a sewer service charge. The city council may establish sewer service charge rates by ordinance, resolution or minute order.
Charges for sewerage services and sewerage facilities furnished to premises situated outside the corporate limits of the city shall be negotiated between the applicant for such service and the city and except as to existing contracts, the charges so arrived at shall be the same as those levied on properties within the corporate limits of the city for the same or similar uses and discharging wastewaters of similar strengths or constituent loadings. In addition to such charges, any costs for treatment of waste of special toxic characteristics or which may be liable to cause plant upset or require additional treatment or which creates hydraulic loads resulting in additional costs of operation and maintenance over and above that normally incurred for the wastewater treatment plant or collection facilities or any costs for conveyance of sewage from said premises which results in additional costs of operation and maintenance to the city allocatable to said premises, shall be charged to said premises.
Charges shall include costs of treatment and conveyance including replacement costs, bond or load repayment costs and operation and maintenance costs. (Ord. 659, 4-6-1982)