It shall be unlawful for any person other than the director to cut, trim, prune, spray, brace, plant, move or replace any tree in any public street within the city, or to cause same to be done, unless and until a written permit is obtained from the Director. Any such permit may be declared void by the director if any of the provisions of this chapter are violated or if any condition of the permit is violated. Whenever it is necessary to remove a tree within a parkstrip area or a public right of way, the abutting property owner of that portion of the public right of way or parkstrip area where the tree is located, shall first secure a written permit from the director and provide sufficient reason as to why tree must be removed. The owner shall replace the tree with a tree on the master tree list and/or master tree plan unless a written request to not replace the tree is provided to the Director and approved.
Nothing in this section shall preclude the removal by city forces of any tree without the request of the owner. (Ord. 428, 12-17-1968; amd. Ord. 2022-008, 1-10-2023)