The width of sidewalks on all streets and avenues shall be as follows. The term "width of sidewalk" as used herein shall mean the distance from the property line to the outer edge or street edge of curb:
A. On streets or avenues which are sixty one feet (61') in width or over, the width of the sidewalk is hereby fixed to be fifteen feet (15'); provided however, that on G Street, 11th Street, that certain street or avenue commonly known as 11th Street Extension and sometimes as 11th Street, on the southeasterly side of 13th Street between H and F Streets; also on the northeasterly side of F Street between 12th and 13th Streets; also on the northeasterly side of F Street between 9th and 10th Streets; also on the northwesterly side of 9th Street between F Street and a point midway between F and G Streets; also on the southeasterly side of 8th Street between F Street and a point midway between F and G Streets; also on the northwesterly side of 8th Street between F Street and a point midway between G and H Streets; also on each side of 7th Street between G Street and a point midway between G and H Streets; also on the northeasterly side of F Street between 12th Street and a point midway between 11th and 12th Streets, and also on the northeasterly side of F Street between 10th Street and a point midway between 10th and 11th Streets; and on all streets and avenues within the fire district or fire limits, as now or hereafter established, the width of the sidewalks is hereby fixed to be twelve feet (12').
B. On all streets or avenues which are fifty nine feet (59') to sixty one feet (61') in width, the width of the sidewalk is hereby fixed to be twelve feet (12'); provided, however, that on the easterly side of that certain street or avenue commonly known as West Avenue the width of the sidewalk is hereby fixed to be five feet (5').
C. On all streets or avenues which are less than fifty nine feet (59') in width, the width of the sidewalk is hereby fixed to be eight feet (8'). (Ord. 79, 9-21-1920)
A. City Council To Authorize: Whenever artificial stone walks are to be constructed, curb or curbs and gutters shall not be constructed unless authorized by the city council.
B. Specifications: On street intersections the curb shall be turned with an eight foot (8') radius; at alley intersections the curb shall be turned with a three foot (3') radius to meet the alley line produced, and the curb shall then be constructed and continued to the property corner in such manner that its outside, or alley edge will be on the alley line produced. The top of all curbs except on produced alley lines, shall be on official grade as adopted by the city council, unless otherwise specified in the resolution of intention. The sidewalks shall have a uniform slope of three inches (3") upward to the property line. Curbs along produced alley lines shall slope upwards to the property corner even with the slope of the sidewalk. (Ord. 67, 8-12-1919)
A. All sidewalks are hereby divided into two (2) districts, e.g. 1st district, or business district, comprising all sidewalks within the fire limits as now or hereafter established which district is again divided into two (2) divisions namely, division A and division B. Division A shall consist of all sidewalks in said fire limits described as follows:
On each side of G Street between 8th and 9th Streets; on the northwesterly side of 8th Street between H Street and a point midway between H and G Streets; on the southeasterly side of 8th Street between G Street and a point midway between G Street and F Street; on the northwesterly side of 9th Street between C Street and a point midway between G and F Street on the southeasterly side of 9th Street between H and F Streets; on the southwesterly side of F Street between 9th and 13th Streets; on the northeasterly side of F Street between a point midway between 10th and 11th Streets and a point midway between 11th and 12th Streets; on the northwesterly side of 13th Street between H and F Streets; on each side of 12th Street from F Street to a point midway between F and G Streets; on each side of 10th Street between F Street and a point midway between G and F Streets, and division B shall consist of all other sidewalks in the fire limits.
B. Second (2nd) or residence district, shall comprise all sidewalks not included in the 1st district. (Ord. 80, 9-28-1920)
C. The sidewalk area shall be eight feet (8') in width on the following streets:
1. Southeasterly side of 11th Street from the east line of East Avenue to the northeasterly city limits line on 11th Street.
2. Northwesterly side of 11th Street from the north line of North Avenue to the northeasterly city limits line on the northwesterly side of 11th Street. (Ord. 316, 7-7-1959)
A. Division A: In division A of the 1st district the artificial stone walks shall be of same width and constructed in the same manner as in district no. 2, and in division B of the 1st district the artificial stone walks shall cover the whole sidewalk area except where the adjacent property is vacant or only improved with a frame building. In such cases all the sidewalk area shall be covered except a space two feet (2') in width adjacent and parallel to the said property.
B. Division B: In the second (2nd) district the artificial stone walks shall extend parallel with the property lines, and be uniformly five feet (5') wide on twelve foot (12') and fifteen foot (15') sidewalks, and four feet (4') wide on eight foot (8') and five foot (5') sidewalks. The inner edge of the artificial stone walks shall be one foot (1') from the property line. On intersection work the artificial stone walks shall extend on produced lines parallel with the property line to the curb. All angles of intersection on the artificial stone walks shall be relieved by a curb of twelve inch (12") radius. (Ord. 80, 9-28-1920)
C. Materials: Materials shall be such as to meet the specifications for such construction on file in the office of the public works director or his designee. (1964 Code)
A. When any person constructs curbs and gutters on any dedicated street abutting the property, the city will at its expense restore the paving on each such street to the existing pavement.
B. Every person who constructs:
1. Any building in the city, except the construction of or addition to a minor accessory structure not intended for family living; or
2. Adds to any building, except an addition to a residential building which will not increase the enclosed area of such building intended for family living; or
3. Constructs or adds to any off street parking facility, shall, except to the extent the same are in place, dedicate any necessary street area and provide for the construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks and paving on all public streets abutting the parcel of real property on which such construction is done. Such street paving shall extend from the gutter to the centerline of each abutting street or for a distance of eighteen feet (18') from the gutter where such abutting street is not a full street. The work required to be done in this subsection shall be done at the cost and expense of the property owner or person doing such construction, except that, where street paving exists from the centerline of the street toward the side of each street abutting such property, the city will pave the unpaved portion of such street to the gutter.
C. A permit for any work to be done pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be applied for in accordance with and subject to the provisions of chapter 5 of this title in addition to the special provisions provided in this chapter. Such permit shall be issued, or an exception or deferral, as provided in subsection 7-4-1B of this title, shall be granted prior to or in conjunction with the issuance of any building permits or other permits for such property. (Ord. 561, 6-1-1976)