Expenditure plan:
A. The revenues of the tax shall only be used to fund the following uses and purposes. The "Five Year Expenditure Plan" which is on file in the City as exhibit A illustrates revenues and expenditures for the initial five (5) year period after the effective date of the tax. Funding with tax revenues of all other uses and purposes, except as provided in subsection C of this section, is prohibited.
1. Police:
a. Police patrol services;
b. Police traffic control services;
c. Gang enforcement, school resource services, and bicycle patrol;
d. Police support services, including facilities and equipment and the financing thereof;
e. Competitive salary, retention and benefit compensation for police personnel;
f. Funding new Police Department personnel.
2. Fire:
a. Construction and relocation (including, but not limited to, land acquisition, facilities design, and use of temporary facilities) of fire stations and the financing thereof;
b. Purchase of specialized equipment for Fire Department;
c. Competitive salary, retention and benefit compensation for fire personnel;
d. Comprehensive Fire Prevention Program;
e. Funding new Fire Department personnel.
B. Of the tax revenues received by the City, seventy percent (70%) shall be expended for police purposes as specified in subsections A1a through A1f of this section, thirty percent (30%) shall be expended for fire purposes as specified in subsections A2a through A2e of this section. The foregoing percentage allocations shall be reviewed or changed annually following the recommendation of the Citizens Oversight Committee and the approval of the Council.
C. Funding of the Expenditure Plan may not be below the actual revenues received from the tax nor shall tax revenues be used to replace or supplant expenditures or programs funded by the City General Fund prior to the approval of the special tax, unless the Council finds that:
1. Preservation of public safety requires the expenditure; and
2. There is no other feasible way of funding the expenditure.
D. The Council, by resolution, shall establish a five (5) member Citizen Oversight Committee to annually review expenditures and appropriations of the tax revenues to ensure that all such revenues are spent or appropriated for the purposes and uses set forth in subsections A and C of this section, in accordance with the allocation percentages set forth in subsection B of this section. The Citizens Oversight Committee shall also be authorized to make recommendations to the City Council regarding the allocation percentages set forth in subsection B of this section.
Each member of the Council shall appoint one member of the committee who shall have a term coinciding with the term of the appointing Council member. Each committee member shall be a resident of the City at the time of appointment and shall remain a resident of the City while serving on the committee. The Mayor shall appoint the Chairperson of the committee subject to the approval of the majority of the Council. The committee shall receive the assistance of City staff and shall issue an annual public report on the expenditures and appropriations of the tax revenues. The committee shall undertake such additional duties as the Council may designate. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection D, the committee and its members shall be subject to the provisions of title 2, chapter 1 of this Code, beginning with section 2-1-1 of this Code. (Ord. 2007-05, 11-7-2007)