The following qualifications must be met by each applicant for a permit:
A. No permit shall be issued to any person except nonprofit associations or corporations organized primarily for civic betterment or youth activities.
B. Each such organization must have its principal and permanent meeting place in the corporation limits of the city; must maintain a bona fide membership of at least twenty (20) members; and must have been organized and established within the city's corporate limits for a minimum of one year continuously preceding the filing of the application for the permit. (Ord. 657)
C. No organization shall receive more than one permit for fireworks sales during any one calendar year. One permit may be issued to two (2) or more qualifying applicants as a joint venture. The maximum number of permits which may be issued during any one calendar year shall not exceed one permit for each two thousand five hundred (2,500) residents of the city, or fraction thereof, based on the latest census estimate, or ten (10) permits, whichever is greater. (Ord. 2001-02, 5-8-2001)
D. If the number of applications exceed the number of permits to be issued, the permittees during the preceding year shall have first priority for the available permits, provided each permittee retains the same participating organization which operated under the permit during the preceding year. Each participating organization in a joint venture shall be deemed to be a copermittee with the same duties and liabilities under the permit. If there are any additional permits available, such additional permits shall be granted by the business license clerk on a first come, first served basis. (Ord. 657; amd. 2007 Code)