All applications for a permit to sell fireworks shall:
A. Be made in writing accompanied by a permit fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) per stand, which may be established and modified from time to time by resolution of the city council. (Ord. 95-009, 6-13-1995; amd. 2007 Code)
B. Be made between the first business day of February and March 31 of each year except when the March 31 falls on a Saturday or Sunday; then, the following business day shall be determined to be the last day. (Ord. 2001-02, 5-8-2001)
C. Set forth the proposed location of the fireworks stand.
D. Be accompanied by an assurance that if the permit is issued to the applicant, applicant shall, at the time of receipt of permit, deliver to the business license clerk a five hundred thousand dollar ($500,000.00) combined single limit insurance certificate designating the city as an additional insured, and a copy of the required license from the state fire marshal.
E. Include a statement that the applicant agrees to comply strictly with the terms of any retail permit granted and furnish any additional information upon request of the city. (Ord. 657)