HAWKER, SOLICITOR, MERCHANDISER, SALESPERSON, PEDDLER AND VENDOR: All persons, both principal and agent, whether or not they be religious or charitable entities, who go from house to house or to one house only, and for value sell or solicit for sale, by sample or otherwise, goods, wares, merchandise, services, magazines, periodicals, other publications, or subscriptions for the same (regularly published newspapers excepted), for themselves or for firms which do or do not have an established place of business in the city or who offer to sell or distribute for value to any person any coupon, certificate, ticket or card which is redeemable in goods, wares, merchandise or services.
Excluded from this definition shall be residents of the city who participate in fundraising efforts of local public or local private schools or other local entities exempt from federal income tax pursuant to United States Code title 26 section 501(c)(3). For the purposes of this paragraph the term "local" shall mean of or pertaining to public or private schools or other entities which, for a period of six (6) continuous months prior to the date fundraising activities commence, have had a street address within the city limits.
HOUSE: A house, abode, dwelling, home, apartment, condominium, residence, mobile home, townhouse, villa, hospital, clinic, infirmary, medical center or sanitorium.
INTERVIEWER AND CANVASSER: Subject to the exception set forth in the definition of "hawker", all persons, both principal and agent, who go from house to house, or to one house only, and interview persons, solicit oral or written answers from persons, or canvass persons, neighborhoods or districts, in order to determine opinions, attitudes or sentiments for purposes of marketing research, opinion research, attitude research or the polling or the gathering of information, except that persons engaged in religious or government activities shall be excluded from this definition. (Ord. 750, 5-28-1991)