A.   Every person who keeps or harbors any dog over the age of four (4) months shall have such dog vaccinated against rabies by a duly licensed veterinarian. Such vaccination shall be at intervals of eighteen (18) months if nerve tissue vaccine is used or twenty four (24) months if chick embryo vaccine is used.
   B.   Every person bringing any dog into the city which has not been so vaccinated within the time stated above prior to importation, shall cause such dog to be vaccinated within thirty (30) days after its arrival in the city.
   C.   On demand of the poundmaster, every person keeping or harboring any dog over four (4) months of age shall exhibit to the poundmaster a certificate of a duly licensed veterinarian certifying that said dog has been vaccinated, the date of the vaccination and the type of vaccine used.
   D.   The poundmaster shall impound any dog which has not been vaccinated as required by this section. (Ord. 2009-04, 9-22-2009)