The duties of the animal control officer shall be as follows:
   A.   To take up and impound any dog or other animals (except cats), found at large, staked, or tied in any public place within the city or upon the premises of any person other than the owner of such dog.
   B.   To make a complete registry of impounded animals, entering the date of receipt, the breed, color, and sex of the animal, and if licensed, the number of such license and the name and address of the owner.
   C.   To notify by mail or phone the owner of any animal, bearing identification, impounded by the animal control officer, and informing the owner that such animal is confined at the animal shelter, and specify the amount necessary to reclaim or redeem the animal and the time period which the animal will be held before destroying or otherwise disposing of the animal. (Ord. 2009-04, 9-22-2009)