A. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Chapter, the Police Department may acquire, borrow and/or use Military Equipment in Exigent Circumstances without following the requirements of this code.
B. If the Police Department acquires, borrows, and/or uses Military Equipment in Exigent Circumstances, in accordance with this section, it must take all of the following actions:
1. Provide written notice of that acquisition or use to the City Council within thirty (30) days following the commencement of such Exigent Circumstance, unless such information is confidential or privileged under local, state or federal law.
2. If it is anticipated that the use will continue beyond the Exigent Circumstance, submit a proposed amended Military Equipment Use Policy to the City Council within ninety (90) days following the borrowing, acquisition and/or use, and receive approval, as applicable, from the City Council.
3. Include the Military Equipment in the Police Department's next annual Military Equipment Report. (Ord. 2022-003, 4-26-2022)