   All lots created after the effective date of this Zoning Code shall have frontages on a public street for a distance equal to the minimum lot width requirement of the district in which they are located. For a lot abutting the turnaround area of a dead-end street, the frontage on a street shall be a minimum of fifty feet, provided that the lot width at the building setback will meet the lot width requirements of the district in which it is located. The front of the principal structure must face the street.
(Ord. 52. Passed 6-16-97.)
   (a)   In any zoning district, not more than two accessory buildings or structures may be erected.
   (b)   Detached accessory buildings or structures shall meet the required setbacks of the district in which they are located. In no case may accessory buildings or structures be located closer than five feet to the rear or side lot line. Accessory structures shall not be located in any front yard.
   (c)   The distance between a detached accessory building or structure and any principal building shall not be less than ten feet. Accessory buildings and structures will be considered attached to a principal building when the distance between the two buildings is solidly covered by a breezeway, portico, covered colonnade, or similar architectural devices.
   (d)   Accessory buildings and structures in residential and commercial districts shall not exceed fourteen feet in height. The maximum height may be increased to sixteen feet if one additional foot of setback is provided for each foot greater than fourteen feet.
   (e)   No accessory building or structure shall include residential living quarters.
   (f)   Accessory buildings having a floor area less than 100 square feet need not meet the minimum setback requirements.
(Ord. 52. Passed 6-16-97.)
1284.05   ANNEXATIONS.
   All land, property, or territory hereafter to be annexed to the City of Reed City will be considered to be in an R-1 District until otherwise classified.
(Ord. 52. Passed 6-16-97.)
   The use of any basement as a dwelling unit is prohibited in all districts.
(Ord. 52. Passed 6-16-97.)
   On any corner lot in all zoning districts (except C-1), nothing will be erected, placed, planted, or allowed to materially impede vision between a height of two and one-half feet and eight feet above the established curb grade within a triangle formed by the two street right-of-way lines and a line connecting them at points twenty-five feet from the intersection of the right-of-way lines.
(Ord. 52. Passed 6-16-97.)
   On double-frontage lots, a front yard as prescribed for the district as herein established shall be provided on both streets.
(Ord. 52. Passed 6-16-97.)
1284.09   DWELLING SIZE.
   The square footage of a dwelling will be measured in the conventional manner using the outside dimensions of the structure minus stairwells and not including attached garages or storage areas.
(Ord. 52. Passed 6-16-97.)