1240.01 Short title.
1240.02 Purposes.
1240.03 Scope; conflicts of laws.
1240.04 Application; conformance required.
1240.05 Legal basis.
1240.06 Rules of interpretation.
1240.07 Definitions.
Zoning and planning in home rule cities – see M.C.L.A. § 117.4i
Regulation of location of trades, buildings and uses by local authorities – see M.C.L.A. § 125.581
Administration, enforcement and penalty – see P. & Z. Ch. 1242
Zoning Board of Appeals – see P. & Z. Ch. 1244
Districts generally and Zoning Map – see P. & Z. Ch. 1246
Special land uses – see P. & Z. Ch. 1274
Nonconforming uses – see P. & Z. Ch. 1276
Provisions applicable to all districts – see P. & Z. Ch. 1284
Zoning Map changes – see Part 12, Title 4, Appx. I
This Zoning Code is adopted to regulate the use of land, buildings, and structures within the City to meet the needs of its residents for food, fiber, energy, and other natural resources, places of residence, recreation, industry, trade, service, and other uses of land; to ensure that uses of land, buildings, and structures will be situated in appropriate locations and relationships; to limit the inappropriate overcrowding of land and congestion of population and transportation systems and other public facilities; to facilitate adequate and efficient provision for transportation systems, sewage disposal, water, energy, education, recreation, and other necessary public services and facilities; and to otherwise promote the public health, safety, and welfare to the full extent authorized by Act 207 of the Public Acts of 1921, as amended, and other applicable laws. (Ord. 52. Passed 6-16-97.)
Except as otherwise expressly provided by this Zoning Code, this Zoning Code is not intended to repeal, abrogate, annul, or in any way impair or interfere with existing provisions of other laws, ordinances, or regulations or with private restrictions placed upon property by covenant, deed, or other private agreements or with restrictive covenants running with the land to which the City is a party. Where this Zoning Code imposes greater restrictions, limitations, or requirements upon the use of buildings, structures, or land, the height of buildings or structures, lot coverage, lot areas, yards or other open spaces, or any other use of land than are imposed or required by other existing laws, ordinances, regulations, private restrictions, or restrictive covenants, the provisions of this Zoning Code will supersede.
(Ord. 52. Passed 6-16-97.)
Zoning applies to every building, structure, and use within the City. No land, building or structure or part thereof shall be built, moved, placed, reconstructed, extended, enlarged, altered, used, or occupied except in conformance with this Zoning Code.
(Ord. 52. Passed 6-16-97.)