(a)   Permit Required. No unauthorized person shall uncover, make any connection with or open into, use, alter or disturb any public sewer or any appurtenance thereof without first obtaining a written permit therefor from the City Clerk.
   (b)   Permit Fee.
      (1)   All connections with the sanitary or combined sewers of the City shall be made only on written authorization and permits issued by the said City on such forms and on payment of such fees as shall be established from time to time by the City Council.
      (2)   The street restoration charge shall be the actual cost of the project to the City plus ten percent (10%).
      (3)   Sewer connection charges outside the corporate limits shall be the same charge provided for premises within the City, except that a fifty percent (50%) surcharge shall be added. (Ord. 99-12. Passed 12-20-99.)
   (c)   Installation Costs. All costs and expenses incident to the installation and connection of the building sewer from the building drain to the City Right of Way (ROW) shall be borne by the owner of said property. All cost and expenses incident to the installation and connection of the building sewer from the City Right of Way (ROW) to the public sewer shall be borne by the City at fifty percent (50%) of the cost and borne by the property owner at fifty percent (50%) of the cost. The owner shall indemnify the City from all loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the installation of the building sewer. The property owner is responsible for all City, County and State permits.
   (d)   Plans and Specifications. All applicants for sewer connection permits shall first submit plans and specifications of all plumbing construction within such building or premises, and such plans and specifications shall meet the requirements of the plumbing regulations of the City and all orders, rules and regulations of the SWRC or State Department of Health. The approval of a connection permit shall also be contingent upon the availability of capacity in all downstream sewers, lift stations, forcemains, and the wastewater treatment plant, including BOD and suspended solids capacity. When such plans and specifications have been approved by the City Manager or by such official as he or she may designate, a temporary construction permit shall be issued, subject to final inspection and approval when construction is completed and ready for connection with the City sewer system. Final approval will be subject to compliance with the Plumbing Code of the State of Michigan, and all orders, rules and regulations of local and State regulatory agencies.
   (e)   Inspection. The applicant for a building sewer permit shall notify the City Manager when the building is ready for inspection and connection to the public sewer. The City Manager or his or her designated representative shall then inspect the said building and plumbing construction therein, and if such construction meets the previous requirements as approved in the construction permit, a sewer connection permit shall be issued, subject to the applicable provisions of this chapter.
   (f)   Repairs.
      (1)   The property owner is one hundred percent (100%) responsible to perform general cleaning and/or camera inspection service to determine the degree and location of the damage or blockage within the building sewer from the building drain to the public sewer.
      (2)   In the event the cleaning/inspection identifies a problem that requires the line to be repaired or replaced the following will apply: The cost of all repairs of existing building sewers from the building drain to the public sewer, including repairs within the City Right of Way (ROW) shall be borne by the property owner. For replacement of lines from the building drain to the public sewer, the cost of replacement of the line from the building drain to the City Right of Way shall be borne by the property owner. The property owner shall obtain a minimum of three (3) quotes for replacement of existing building sewer from the City Right of Way (ROW) to the public sewer prior to replacing the line. The cost of all replacement of existing building sewer from the City Right of Way (ROW) to the public sewer shall be borne by the City at fifty percent (50%) of the cost and borne by the property owner at fifty percent (50%) of the cost of the lowest quote for the replacement. The property owner may select any contractor to perform the necessary work, but in the event the cost of the replacement exceeds the lowest of the minimum three (3) quotes, the property owner is solely responsible for the cost of the replacement in excess of fifty percent (50%) of the lowest quote.
      (3)   If repair or replacement of the building sewer is required from the City ROW to the public sewer a work permit will be required and can be obtained from the City Clerk. All excavation for building sewer installations or repair shall be restored in a manner satisfactory to the City. The property owner is responsible for all City, County and State permits.
      (4)   The City reserves the right to complete a portion or all of the work that may be required from the City ROW to the public sewer. The cost share outlined above will remain the same. The City project rates are as follows:
         Material       =    Charged at cost
         Labor       =    Charged at current wage rate plus benefits
         Equipment       =    Charged per MDOT Schedule "C" Equipment Rental Rates or another schedule approved by the City Manager
         Sub-Contractors    =    Charged at cost
(Ord. 22A. Passed 8-19-85; Ord. 004-2011. Passed 4-18-11; Ord. 005- 2011. Passed 4-18-11; Ord. 001-2018. Passed 5-21-18.)