(A)   General procedure. The following is the general procedure followed by the City Council for all public improvement projects from initiation of such a project through certification of the assessment roll to the County Auditor.
   (B)   Formats. Formats for the various reports and resolutions referenced in this division (B) are made a part of the policies and procedures of the city.
      (1)   Staff reviews the petition or developer’s request for submission to Council.
      (2)   Council accepts or rejects petition or request. If based upon a petition, the Council adopts a resolution declaring whether the required percentage of property owners has signed. If the petition or request is accepted, Council orders preparation of feasibility report.
      (3)   Staff prepares the feasibility report. The report shall preliminary evaluate whether the proposed improvement is necessary, cost-effective, and feasible and whether it should be made as proposed or in conjunction with another project. The report shall include an estimate of the cost of the improvement as proposed. Council may refer the report to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
      (4)   Council accepts or rejects the feasibility report. If accepted, Council orders a public hearing on the improvements.
      (5)   Staff posts and publishes hearing notice and mails notices to affected property owners as provided in M.S. § 429.031(a), as it may be amended from time to time.
      (6)   Council conducts a public hearing.
      (7)   Within six months of the hearing date, Council adopts or rejects the resolution ordering improvement to be constructed and advertisement of bids. If adopted, staff prepares final plans, advertises for and opens bids as provided in M.S. § 429.041, as it may be amended from time, prepares the bid tabulation, makes a recommendation to City Council for award, and prepares the proposed assessment roll. Bonds to finance project costs may be issued at any time after the improvements are ordered.
      (8)   Council awards the contract based on the bids received.
      (9)   Staff supervises construction and prepares payments.
      (10)   Council reviews the proposed assessment roll and orders an assessment hearing.
      (11)   Staff publishes the hearing notice, mails the notice of hearing date and the proposed assessments to the affected property owners as provided in M.S. § 429.061, as it may be amended from time to time.
      (12)   Council conducts the assessment hearing and adopts, revises, or rejects resolution determining the amount of the total expense the city will pay, if any, and establishing the assessment roll. If adopted, Council authorizes certification of the assessment to the County Auditor.
      (13)   Staff certifies the assessment roll to the County Auditor.
(Res. 10-01-2020, passed 10-21-2020)