(A)   Outdoor advertising. Only official identification, directional or traffic control signs shall be allowed within the public right-of-way.
   (B)   On-site. On-site at industrial, commercial or service establishments shall be limited to three display units per 25 linear feet of total road frontage. Total area of all units combined shall not exceed 50 square feet for each goods or services for sale or produced on the property.
   (C)   Off-site conditional uses. Off-site advertising signs shall be permitted uses in C-1, C-2 and M Zone Districts as conditional uses. Off-site advertising signs shall also be permitted at tourist service areas and visitor information centers designed for the purpose of informing the motoring public of services available within the nearby area.
   (D)   Off-site advertising structures. Off-site advertising structures shall not be erected which exceed 350 square feet in advertising area. The maximum size limitation stated- herein shall apply to each facing of an off-site advertising sign. Two outdoor facing (end to end).
   (E)   Changes. The change in advertising message maintenance and repair, or the use of extensions, cut-outs or embellishments upon an existing advertising structure shall not be considered an enlargement, extension structure or structural alteration provided that thereby the advertising structure is not caused is not caused to exceed any size limitation imposed by this chapter.
   (F)   Placement. Off-site advertising signs shall not obscure safe sight distances or conflict with official signs or safety devices.
   (G)   Lighting. Off-site advertising signs shall not be erected which contain, include or are illuminated by any flashing light or lights, except those giving public service information, such as time and temperature. Lighted signs shall be shielded so as to prevent beams or rags of light from being directed at any portion of the traveled way of any street or highway and shall not be of such intensity or brilliance as to cause glare or impair the vision of the operator of any motor vehicle or obscure any official traffic sign, device or signal.
(2009 Code, § 905.07)