In Residential Zoning Districts R-1 and R-2:
   (A)   Accessory buildings may be constructed within five feet of the side and rear lot lines, excluding garages which must be 16 feet if the building door opens on the rear lot line side. No portion of the structure shall extend or overhang within five feet of a lot line;
   (B)   Accessory buildings may not exceed 1,500 square feet with ten feet sidewalls and the overall height must not exceed 19 feet. No accessory building shall exceed the height of the principal building;
   (C)   Accessory buildings shall not occupy more than 25% of the rear yard, and the maximum total building coverage on a lot may not be more than 35% in residential (R-1) Zoning District and 40% in residential (R-2) Zoning District (§ 153.02 and in Title XV--the Zoning District Schedule, a copy of which is available for copying and inspection during normal business hours). The maximum allowable area of all accessory buildings combined is 1,750 square feet. The maximum number of detached accessory buildings will be two;
   (D)   Accessory buildings shall not be located in front of the principal building; and
   (E)   Accessory and pole buildings may be permitted only if siding, roofing, building materials and overhang are similar to the principal structure. Brick, stucco and stone dwellings justify an exemption for required matched building exteriors. Alternate materials shall only be allowed in such cases by approval of the Zoning Administrator. Corrugated metal exterior finishes are prohibited for accessory buildings.
(2009 Code, § 905.02)