(A)   Continual. Open burning prohibitions specified in this section are in effect at all times of the year.
   (B)   Prohibited materials. No person shall conduct, cause or permit open burning of oils, rubber, plastics, chemically treated materials or other materials which produce excessive or noxious smoke including, but not limited to, tires, railroad ties, chemically treated lumber, composite shingles, tar paper, insulation, composition board, sheetrock, wiring, paint or paint filters.
   (C)   Hazardous wastes. No person shall conduct, cause or permit open burning of hazardous waste as defined in M.S. § 116.06, Subd. 11, as it may be amended from time to time, and applicable commissioner’s rules.
   (D)   Industrial solid waste. No person shall conduct, cause or permit open burning of burnable material generated from an industrial or manufacturing process of from a service or commercial structure.
   (E)   Demolition debris. No person shall conduct, cause or permit open burning of burnable building material generated from demolition of commercial or institutional structures. A farm building is not a commercial structure.
   (F)   Salvage operations. No person shall conduct, cause or permit salvage operations by open burning.
   (G)   Motor vehicle. No person shall conduct, cause or permit the processing of motor vehicles by open burning.
   (H)   Garbage. No person shall conduct, cause or permit open burning of discarded material resulting from the handling, processing, storage, preparation, servicing or consumption of food, unless specifically allowed under M.S. § 17.135, as it may be amended from time to time.
   (I)   Burning ban. No person shall conduct, cause or permit open burning during a burning ban put into effect by a local authority, county or a state department or agency.
   (J)   Smoldering fires. Fires must not be allowed to smolder with no flame present, except when conducted for the purpose of managing forest prairies, or wildlife habitats.
   (K)   Penalty. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(2009 Code, § 803.04) Penalty, see § 10.99