All licensed premises shall be open to inspection by the County Sheriffs Department during regular business hours. From time to time, but at least once per year, the city or its designee shall conduct compliance checks by engaging, with the written consent of their parents or guardians, minors over the age of 15 years, but less than 21 years, to enter the licensed premise to attempt to purchase tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices or nicotine or lobelia delivery products. Minors used for the purpose of compliance checks shall be supervised by designated law enforcement officers or other designated city personnel. Minors used for compliance checks shall not be guilty of the unlawful purchase or attempted purchase nor the unlawful possession of tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices or nicotine or lobelia delivery products, when such items are obtained or attempted to be obtained as a part of the compliance check. No minor used in compliance checks shall attempt to use a false identification misrepresenting the minor’s age and all minors lawfully engaged in a compliance check shall answer all questions about the minor’s age asked by the licensee or his or her employee and shall provide any identification, if any exists, for which he or she is asked. Nothing in this section shall prohibit compliance checks authorized by the state or federal laws for education, research or training purposes, or required for the enforcement of a particular state or federal law.
(2009 Code, § 504.13)