(A)   Effective January 1, 2017, the salary of the Mayor shall be $300 per month ($3,600 per year) and the salary of each Council member shall be $210 per month ($2,520 per year).
   (B)   Such pay shall be to perform the duties of office, which shall include the following:
      (1)   Attending the twice-monthly regular Council meetings;
      (2)   Attending informational meetings for which they are not specifically appointed, but attend for informational purposes;
      (3)   Attending public hearings which are normally scheduled to coincide with regular Council meetings; and
      (4)   Representing the city at social, civic and developmental programs of concern to the city.
   (C)   (1)   Special meetings. 
         (a)   Mayor and Council members will also be paid $50 for the following types of special meetings:
            1.   Special Council meetings;
            2.   Standing and temporary committee meetings for Council persons appointed specifically to that committee; and
            3.   Formal presentations or speeches whereby minimal time is expended preparing or presenting information.
         (b)   The remainder of the ordinance from which this section is derived is hereby adopted in its entirety, by reference, as though repeated verbatim herein.
      (2)   Expenses incurred in duty away from the city. The city will pay for expenses away from the city as follows:
         (a)   Overnight lodging, upon submittal of receipt or verification of expense;
         (b)   Meals will be paid on the following scale: breakfast, up to a maximum of $9; lunch, up to a maximum of $12; supper, up to a maximum of $18;
         (c)   Miscellaneous expenses such as parking, taxis, road tolls and the like, actual expenses incurred upon submittal of receipt or verification of expenses;
         (d)   Automobile mileage is paid at the prevailing IRS rate. City officials will make a special effort to car pool when attending out of town activities representing the city;
         (e)   Airfare may be reimbursed upon submittal of receipt or verification of expense; and
         (f)   Pay for out of town meetings will be made at the rate of $50 for meetings of four hours or less and $100 for meetings of more than four hours.
(2009 Code, § 201.10)