(A)   Quorum. At all Council meetings, a majority of all the Council members elected shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a smaller number may adjourn from time to time and the Council may punish nonattendance by a fine not exceeding $50 for each absence from any meeting unless a reasonable excuse is offered.
   (B)   Voting. The votes of the members on any question may be taken in any manner which signifies the intention of the individual members, and the votes of the members on any action taken shall be recorded in the minutes. The vote of each member shall be recorded on each appropriation of money, except for payments of judgments, claims and amounts fixed by statute. If any member is present but does not vote, the minutes, as to his or her name, shall be marked “Present-Not Voting.” No member shall vote on any appropriation which shall directly benefit that member.
   (C)   Vote required. A majority vote of all members of the Council shall be necessary for approval of any ordinance unless a larger number is required by statute. Except as otherwise provided by statutes, a majority vote of a quorum shall prevail in all other cases.
(2009 Code, § 201.06)