For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BICYCLE. Any device propelled by human power, upon which any person may ride having two, three or four tandem wheels and any device generally recognized as a bicycle equipped with front or rear tires.
   GOLF CART. A motorized cart specifically designed to carry golfers and equipped with such devices as to properly secure their equipment.
   JOGGER. Any person afoot and traveling at a rate of speed such that both feet are at intervals not in contact with the ground.
   PATHWAY. The portion of a park or parkway improved, designated or ordinarily used for travel by foot and/or wheeled device. The part of a trail or pathway as designated as such by the city not used for motor vehicles except snowmobiles.
   RECREATIONAL VEHICLE. Any device that is powered by a motor and that consists of two, three or four wheels and is intended for the purpose of recreating. Any device designed to carry one or more persons and which can reach varied speeds at any given time. Any wheeled device generally recognized as a RECREATIONAL VEHICLE.
   ROLLER SKATER. Any person riding or propelling oneself by human power or gravity on wheeled devices that are worn on a person’s feet or stood upon by a person. Such devices specifically include, but are not limited to, roller skates, in-line skates, roller skis and skateboards.
   WALKER. Any person afoot and traveling at a rate of speed such that one foot is always in contact with the ground.
(2009 Code, § 511.07(2)) (Ord. passed 9-9-1996)