§ 71.08 EQUIPMENT.
   It is unlawful for any person to operate a snowmobile, all-terrain vehicle, or recreational on-road vehicle any place within the city unless it is equipped with the following:
   (A)   Standard mufflers which are properly attached and which reduce the noise of operation of the motor to the minimum necessary for operation. No person shall use a muffler cut-out, by-pass, straight pipe or similar device on a snowmobile or all-terrain vehicle motor;
   (B)   Braking system equipped with a rear facing brake light and adequate to control the movement of and to stop and hold the snowmobile, all-terrain vehicle, or recreational on-road vehicle under any condition of operation; and
   (C)   A safety or so-called “deadman” throttle in operating condition.
(2009 Code, § 702.08) Penalty, see § 10.99