(A)   Any person desiring to engage, as principal, either in the business of a billposter for hire, or in the business of distributing commercial or noncommercial handbills for hire, shall make application to and receive from the Director of Finance, or other officer empowered to issue the same, in the absence of the Director of Finance, a license in the manner for the period prescribed by the terms of this article and by all relevant provisions of this code.
   (B)   The applicant shall make written application upon a form provided for the purpose by the Director of Finance.
   (C)   The form shall contain, among other things that may be required, the name, the business address and a brief description of the nature of the business to be conducted by the applicant, the probable number of agents and employees so to be engaged, together with a request for a license for the period for which the applicant seeks to engage in the business.
(`61 Code, § 3.11) (Ord. 329, passed 3-3-1957)