(A)   A development permit shall be obtained before any construction or other development begins within any area of special flood hazard. Application for a development permit, subdivision, line adjustment, use permit, rezone, land use reclassification or annexation shall be made on forms furnished by the Floodplain Administrator and may include, but not be limited to: plans in duplicate drawn to scale showing the nature, location, dimensions and elevation of the area in question; existing or proposed structures, cuts and fills, storage of materials, drainage facilities; and the location of the foregoing.
   (B)   Specifically, the following information is required:
      (1)   A contour map of the site specifying existing ground elevations, base flood elevations, regulatory floodways and a 30-foot setback from the regulatory floodway from the FIS, FIRM or locally produced information adopted by the City Council;
      (2)   If grading is proposed, a contour map of the site specifying proposed ground elevations, base flood elevations, regulatory floodways and a 30-foot setback from the regulatory floodway from documentation prepared by a qualified professional in a manner consistent with this chapter.
      (3)   For proposed structures, spot ground elevations at building corners at 20 feet or smaller intervals along the foundation footprint or one-foot contour elevations throughout the building site;
      (4)   Proposed locations of water supply, sanitary sewer and utilities;
      (5)   Proposed elevation in relation to mean sea level of the lowest floor, including basement, of all structures, or proposed elevation in relation to mean sea level to which any nonresidential structure will be floodproofed, if required in § 26.5-1(C)(2) and FEMA Technical Bulletin 3-93, Nonresidential Floodproofing;
      (6)   For a crawlspace foundation, the locations and total net area of foundation openings as required in § 26.5-1(C)(3) and FEMA Technical Bulletins 1-93, Openings in Foundation Walls, and 7-93, Wet Floodproofing;
      (7)   For foundations placed on fill, the locations and height of fill and compaction requirements compacted to 95% using the Standard Proctor Test method;
      (8)   All appropriate certifications listed in § 26.4-3(D);
      (9)   Description of the extent to which any watercourse will be altered or relocated as a result of proposed development;
      (10)   Foundation details and mobile home skirting details including the size, area and elevation of foundation vents and openings;
      (11)   Equipment and storage location details including their elevation and susceptibility to water damage; and
      (12)   The information necessary to show compliance with § 26.5-4.
(`61 Code, § 26.4-1) (Ord. 913, passed 4-18-2000; Am. Ord. 940, passed 5-20-2003)