The action of an employee which reflects discredit upon a public service, or is a hindrance to the effective performance of the department in which the employee is employed shall be considered “cause,” “good cause” or “due cause” for discipline. Such actions include but are not limited to:
   (A)   Incompetency;
   (B)   Inefficiency;
   (C)   Neglect of duty;
   (D)   Insubordination;
   (E)   Absence without leave;
   (F)   Conviction of a felony;
   (G)   Discourteous treatment of the public or other employees;
   (H)   Improper political activity;
   (I)   Willful disobedience;
   (J)   Willful concealment or misrepresentation of material facts in applying for or securing employment;
   (K)   Other conduct either during or outside of duty hours which causes discredit to the agency or the employment.
(`61 Code, § 2.88) (Ord. 466, passed 12-20-1966; Am. Ord. 934, passed 6-18-2002; Am. Ord. 1028, passed 1-21-2014)