(A)   Parking facilities required by this chapter shall be paved with a minimum of two inches of asphalt concrete, or equivalent, surfacing over compacted subgrade or equivalent and marked in the required number of stalls of ample size with adequate stalls and aisles in accordance with the parking design standards shown on “Drawing 10-40" of the city’s land division standards.
   (B)   (1)   Shade trees shall be planted and maintained in commercial and industrial parking lots. The desired density is not less than one tree per 3,600 square feet, approximately 60 feet on center. The trees shall be placed within a tree well sized not smaller than one non-compact parking space or incorporated into a four-foot minimum wide planter that separates parking space rows or forms the perimeter of the parking lot.
      (2)   The shade trees shall be from the city’s official listing of recommended street and shade trees list (or an equivalent alternative species) approved by the Community Development Director or designee.
   (C)   At a minimum, 8% of the gross area dedicated to parking facilities (spaces, aisles, driveways) shall be landscaped with trees, shrubs and groundcover.
   (D)   (1)   Where commercial, industrial or institutional parking facilities adjoin a residential district a land use barrier shall be provided.
      (2)   The barrier shall be a masonry wall, landscaped berm or equivalent feature approved by the Community Development Director or designee.
(`61 Code, § 25.23.23) (Ord. 915, passed 6-20-2000; Am. Ord. 939, passed 5-20-2003; Am. Ord. 1018, passed 9-3-2013)