(A)   Application for planned development use permit shall be made to the Community Development Department in writing on a form prescribed by the Commission and shall be accompanied by plans and elevations necessary to show details of all proposed uses of buildings and property.
   (B)   The application shall be accompanied by a fee, to be fixed by resolution of the City Council, plus costs, no part of which shall be returnable to the applicant.
   (C)   The application shall be accompanied by the development plan of the entire site, drawn to scale and showing the contours of the site in intervals of not more than two feet. The plan shall indicate all existing and proposed watercourses, streets, parking and loading areas, structures, common areas, utility lines and rights-of-way, driveways, pedestrian walks, trees in excess of six inches (d.b.h.), railroads, airport safety zones, streetlights, fire hydrants, drainage easements and landscaping.
   (D)   The plan shall also include a tabulation of the area proposed to be devoted to each use and a tabulation of the residential density in the area or areas proposed for residential use.
(`61 Code, § 25.14.11) (Ord. 915, passed 6-20-2000; Am. Ord. 939, passed 5-20-2003; Am. Ord. 1018, passed 9-3-2013)