(A)   The Purchasing Officer may sell property determined to be surplus to the city's needs by competitive bid, or by other procedure, with the concurrence of the City Manager, as he or she determines will yield the best and most reasonable return in relation to its estimated value.
   (B)   In carrying out this function, the Purchasing Officer shall obtain, at the times and in the form as he or she shall prescribe, reports from all using agencies showing all supplies and equipment which are surplus to the city's needs or are obsolete or worn out.
   (C)   In the event the Purchasing Officer determines the surplus property may be useful to another city agency, he or she may approve the transfer of the surplus or unused supplies or equipment among using agencies as needed.
(`61 Code, § 2.69) (Ord. 906, passed 6-15-1999; Am. Ord. 1073, passed 4-18-2023; Am. Ord. 1080, passed 3-5-2024)