For the purpose of this division, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ATTENDANT. Any person employed by the city for the purpose of assisting the pool manager.
   MUNICIPAL SWIMMING FACILITIES. All and any part of the following:
      (1)   Any pool heretofore or hereafter owned, operated or maintained by the city for the purpose of swimming, wading, giving or receiving swimming or lifesaving instruction or any other purpose similar or incidental to any of the foregoing;
      (2)   All and any part of dressing rooms, shower rooms, locker rooms, restrooms, decks, bleachers, equipment rooms, storage rooms or other rooms, buildings, equipment, facilities or area owned, operated or maintained by the city in connection with or for use with any municipal swimming pool; and
      (3)   All or any part of the area surrounding a municipal swimming pool contained within any fence, building or other enclosure surrounding, in whole or in part, any swimming pool.
   POOL MANAGER. The person employed by the city for the purpose of supervising and maintaining a swimming pool and enforcing all ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to municipal swimming facilities.
(`61 Code, § 24.48) (Ord. 404, passed 8-15-1961; Am. Ord. 966, passed 2-7-2006)