For the purpose of this article, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   AIR-CONDITIONING or AIR-CONDITIONING SYSTEM. One or more units for the cooling or dehumidification or both, of space for human occupancy.
   COMPRESSOR HORSEPOWER (ONE). The equivalent of one ton of refrigeration which, for the purposes of this article, is the heat required to melt ice at the rate of one ton in 24 hours.
   EVAPORATIVE COOLER. A cooling device which operates by blowing air over a filter pad kept damp by a continuous supply of water.
   FILTRATION SYSTEM. A system of piping to include a pump and filter for the recirculation of the water in a swimming pool.
   WATER CONSERVATION DEVICE. A cooling tower, spray pound, evaporative condenser, circulating pump or other equipment by which water is cooled and recirculated, thereby limiting the use of water from city mains to that amount lost through evaporation.
(`61 Code, § 24.33) (Ord. 305, passed 5-21-1956; Am. Ord. 966, passed 2-7-2006)