(A)   The Public Works Director is hereby charged with the duty of promptly determining the types and species of trees suitable and desirable for planting and the areas in which and conditions under which the trees shall be planted or which may overhang the public streets within the city. The determination shall be made by the Public Works Director, who shall consult with those familiar with the subject of the plantings, such as landscape architects, arborists, nurserymen and park executives.
   (B)   When the determination has been made, the Public Works Director shall report his or her findings in writing to the Parks and Recreation Commission who shall recommend the plan to the city Council. The City Council shall hold an advertised public hearing. The hearing shall be advertised once in a daily paper ten days prior to the hearing. When approved by the City Council, the report shall be known as the master tree plan, shall be placed on file in the Office of the City Clerk and shall thereafter be the official determination of the Public Works Director. Revisions or changes in the master tree plan may be made from time to time by the Public Works Director, in the manner described hereinabove for the development, approval and filing of the original master tree plan.
(`61 Code, § 23A.5) (Ord. 419, passed 2-5-1963)