For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   D.B.H. Diameter at breast height.
   DEVELOPED. When describing land, the value of on-site improvements exceeding $10,000.
   DIAMETER AT BREAST HEIGHT. The diameter of a tree trunk, calculated by measuring the circumference at a point of four feet-six inches above grade on the uphill side of the tree and then dividing the circumference by 3.0.
   HERITAGE TREE. Those oak trees, located on private property, with a single trunk diameter greater than 36 inches d.b.h., or in the case of an oak tree with multiple trunks, any such tree where the sum of the diameters of its two largest trunks exceeds 40 inches d.b.h.
   IMPROVED LOT. Any lot or parcel of land with one or more buildings having a combined value exceeding $30,000, prior to the effective date of Ordinance 946, as determined by the Tehama County Assessor.
   MATURE NATIVE TREE. Any sycamore, oak, or cottonwood tree, located on private property, with a trunk diameter greater than ten inches d.b.h. and not classified as a heritage tree.
   PUBLIC STREETS or STREETS. All roads, streets, avenues, boulevards, alleys, parks and public places and public rights-of-way or any portion thereof, of the city.
   TREE. Trees, shrubs and plants and shall apply to such as are within the public right-of-way.
(`61 Code, § 23A.3) (Ord. 419, passed 2-5-1963; Am. Ord. 946, passed 10-7-2003)