(A)   (1)   Using agencies are authorized to purchase supplies, services, equipment and public works projects in amounts of $60,000 and less.
      (2)   All purchases and quotations obtained in connection therewith shall be reported to the Purchasing Officer within two working days of their award.
   (B)   (1)   Using agencies shall invite quotations from prospective vendors or contractors by either oral or written request for all purchases of $60,000 and less.
      (2)   Open market purchases shall be based, wherever reasonably possible, on at least three quotations.
   (C)   If two or more quotations are received for the same total amount or unit price, quality and service being equal and the using agency finds that the public interest will not permit the delay of inviting new quotations, it shall consult with the Purchasing Officer regarding an award.
   (D)   Using agencies, in their sole discretion, may reject:
      (1)   Any quotation which fails to meet the quotation requirements in any respect;
      (2)   All quotations for any reason whatsoever and may then invite new quotations; or
      (3)   Waive minor irregularities in any quotation received.
   (E)   The Purchasing Officer shall maintain all quotations on file for a period or 90 days following their receipt. Quotation files shall be open to public inspection.
(`61 Code, § 2.67-1) (Ord. 906, passed 6-15-1999; Am. Ord. 1073, passed 4-18-2023; Am. Ord. 1080, passed 3-5-2024)