(A)   The Chief of Police may establish and cause to be marked-off an individual stand or each taxicab and the general stands as he or she deems necessary, and may, in his or her discretion, determine the site and limits thereof.
   (B)   No general taxicab stand shall be established before a hotel without the consent of the proprietor of the hotel and no individual stand shall be established before any business building without the consent of the occupant of the ground floor of the building.
   (C)   The Chief of Police may, in his or her discretion, alter any determination that he or she has under this section original discretion to make. Notice of the alteration must be given to the operators of the taxicabs affected.
   (D)   Unless altered, each taxicab stand established under the provisions of this section shall have an indefinite duration.
   (E)   No person operating or controlling any taxicab shall permit the vehicle to stand on the streets for the purpose of attracting passengers, or while awaiting employment, at any other place than stand established under the provisions of this section; nor shall any person permit his or her taxicab to stand for the purpose of attracting passengers or while awaiting employment at any stand other than a general stand or one set aside for taxicabs owned or leased by the same person.
(`61 Code, § 22.2) (Ord. 303, passed 4-17-1956)
Statutory reference:
   Authority of city to license and regulate taxicab stands, see California Vehicle Code § 21100