All subdivisions and other divisions of land which are subject to the provisions of this chapter shall conform to the following regulations and shall be subject to the following provisions:
   (A)   The regulations, standards and procedures provided herein shall be construed to be the minimum necessary to promote and protect the public health, safety and general welfare, and they may be made more restrictive in cases where the Planning Commission finds the action is necessary to protect the public interest and to ensure sound planning standards and, on the advice of the City Engineer, to ensure sound engineering standards.
   (B)   The land division standards shall contain standards for street and lot design, for street widths, grades and curves, for sewerage, water supply and fire protection, for all improvements to be installed, including public utilities, for office and field checking of maps and survey data, for construction inspections, fee schedules, forms for bonds and agreements and other matters as may be included therein by resolution of the City Council.
   (C)   The Planning Commission may require that a subdivider provide the documents, including but not restricted to deeds, dedications, grants, restrictions, easements and rights-of-way, as it deems necessary to effect a sound and proper plan of land division.
   (D)   The Planning Commission may require a request for change of zoning to ensure compatibility of plans and regulation.
   (E)   (1)   The Planning Commission may permit private streets in land divisions which are subject to the provisions of this chapter in cases where the Technical Advisory Committee finds and reports that the streets provide local access to parcels to be created, and do not constitute elements of arterial or collector streets systems necessary to serve areas beyond the bounds of the land division site.
      (2)   Land divisions in which private streets are permitted shall be subject to all provisions of this chapter, except as otherwise or as additionally provided below:
         (a)   Private streets shall be constructed in conformity with land division standards.
         (b)   Provisions for maintenance of private streets shall be required by the Planning Commission, and bonds or other guarantees of compliance with the provisions may be required.
   (F)   (1)   The Planning Commission may recommend approval of land division plans which include the clustering of development sites in combination with the preservation of open space and plans which include airports, golf courses and other types of recreational facilities and other special features intended for the common usage of owners and guests; provided, that the features are in conformity with zoning, lot area and density standards on an averaged overall lots plus, open space basis and other provisions of law.
      (2)   In such cases:
         (a)   The Planning Commission shall require provisions for proper construction of the special features.
         (b)   The Planning Commission shall require provisions for preservation of open spaces and adequate maintenance and operation of all features and may require bonds or other guarantees of compliance with the requirements.
         (c)   The Planning Commission may approve the division plans under existing “P-D” zoning or may require “P-D” zoning as a condition to approval of the division.
   (G)   The Planning Commission may waive the regulations of this chapter pertaining to divisions into fewer than five parcels, and may require only the approval and recording of a record of survey map, in cases where a public governmental agency or a public utility must become involved in land division in the normal course of its legal and ordinary operations, and for purposes other than the sale or leasing of land for profit.
   (H)   When a soil investigation has been required by the City Engineer:
      (1)   The report and recommendations thereon must be prepared to meet his or her approval;
      (2)   A notation that a report has been prepared shall be noted on the final map, together with the date of the report and the name of the engineer who made it; and
      (3)   Building permits for structures in the subdivision shall be conditioned upon compliance with recommendations of the report.
(`61 Code, § 20.7) (Ord. 505, passed 7-21-1970; Am. Ord. 572, passed 4-5-1976)