The following procedures and/or conditions shall prevail for lot line adjustments and voluntary mergers.
   (A)   A voluntary merger or a lot line adjustment shall not create any new lot or building site or substandard parcel. A parcel map is not required for this voluntary merger or lot line adjustment, providing that findings are made that the proposed voluntary merger or lot line adjustment conforms to the General Plan, and zoning and building ordinances, and complies with requirements as to area, improvement and design, flood water drainage control, appropriate improved public roads, sanitary disposal facilities, water supply, environmental protection, and other requirements of this chapter an the Subdivision Map Act. If all the lots subject to the lot line adjustment or merger are substandard, the findings may be made by the Planning Director and Planning Commission approval is not required. If any of the lots subject to the lot line adjustment or merger are not substandard, the findings must be made by the Planning Commission. A map will be required, drawn to an acceptable scale, showing existing and proposed property lines, the total area of the property and the dimensions of the lot lines. A voluntary merger shall be reflected in a Certificate of Voluntary Merger, which shall be recorded. A lot line adjustment shall be reflected in a deed, which shall be recorded.
   (B)   The following procedures shall be followed for other minor divisions of land, as defined herein or as defined in California Government Code §§ 66444 through 66450:
      (1)   A tentative parcel map shall be prepared, based on the requirements of § 20.5(C). Should the tentative map meet all of the requirements of those sections, it may be considered as both a tentative and final parcel map.
      (2)   The tentative map shall be filed with the City Planner, who shall review the map and supporting documents and shall within five days call a meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee to discuss the division with the subdivider. The Committee shall prepare a report on the map and the City Planner shall place the item on the Planning Commission agenda for consideration at its next meeting.
      (3)   The Commission shall consider and process the tentative or final parcel map under the provisions of § 20.4(F) and (I).
(`61 Code, §20.6) (Ord. 505, passed 7-21-1970; Am. Ord. 572, passed 4-5-1976; Am. Ord. 949, passed 4-6-2004; Am. Ord. 1051, passed 1-15-2019)