(A)   This chapter is enacted for the purpose of adopting standards, regulations and procedures for the subdivision and other specified types of division and utilization of land in the incorporated area of the city, as authorized and directed by the subdivision map act and other applicable provisions of law.
   (B)   This chapter provides for the division of land in accordance with the provisions for three primary classifications, which are subdivisions, parcel divisions and minor divisions, each of which is defined herein.
   (C)   This chapter also provides for the reversion to acreage of lands previously divided.
   (D)   This chapter, as amended, shall not affect any agreement, contract or bond executed pursuant to this chapter prior to the amendment, or any rights of action accrued thereunder, or any previous action to approve a tentative map or final map, except that conditions of approval and time limitations imposed under this chapter, prior to the amendment, shall prevail.
   (E)   All divisions of land which are subject to the provisions of this chapter shall conform to the general plan, specific plans and to adopted standards and provisions of land which are pertinent or applicable to the divisions.
   (F)   It shall be unlawful for any person or any other legal entity, as a principal, agent or otherwise, to offer to sell, to contract to sell or sell, lease, transfer, utilize or otherwise assign for financing or other purposes, any proposed subdivision or other division of land or any part thereof in the incorporated territory of the city, unless and until all the requirements hereinafter provided have been complied with.
(`61 Code, § 20.1) (Ord. 505, passed 7-21-1970; Am. Ord. 572, passed 4-5-1976)
Statutory reference:
   Requiring the city to adopt an ordinance regulating subdivisions, see California Government Code §§ 66451 through 66451.3
   Subdivisions generally, see California Business and Professions Code §§ 11000 through 11709