(A)   The applicant shall pay a nonrefundable application fee, as established by the city by resolution, sufficient to pay the cost of the review of the terminal designation and the review of the route and alternate route.
   (B)   Upon the approval of the terminal designation and route by the city and by Caltrans, the applicant shall deposit with the city sufficient funds as estimated by the city engineer to pay for the purchase and installation of terminal trailblazer signs. Trailblazer signs will be required at every decision point in the city en route to the terminal. Upon completion of the installation of the signs, the actual cost shall be computed and any difference between the actual and the estimated cost shall be billed or refunded to the applicant, whichever the case may be. No terminal or route may be used until the signs as may be required are in place. Costs for trailblazer signs may be proportioned in accordance with the procedures in § 13.69(C).
(`61 Code, § 13.68) (Ord. 749, passed 6-4-1985)