(A)   § 307.1.1 of the 2021 International Fire Code is amended to read as follows:
      (1)   It is unlawful to burn uncut vegetation or weeds or to permit or cause any open burning of uncut vegetation or weeds.
      (2)   It is unlawful to start a bonfire or to permit or cause any open burning such as a bonfire unless a special permit is first obtained from the fire code official.
         1.   Burning conducted in a safe manner meeting the standards set for recreational, portable, or permanent outdoor fireplaces.
      (3)   Open burning meeting the standard for door/yard burning, including without limitation burn barrels, is expressly prohibited.
         1.   Fire hazard mitigation work or land clearing may be allowed through a special hazard mitigation permit issued by the fire code official. Open burning of any type is expressly prohibited on paved streets or paved alleys or in the gutters thereof, at any and all times.
      (4)   The determination of authorized burn days and times shall be the responsibility of the Tehama County Air Quality Control District.
         1.   Those fire meeting the standards set for recreational, portable, or permanent outdoor fireplaces.
      (5)   In this connection, the fire code official, air quality control official, or their designee may prohibit all open burning or revoke an active permit when conditions are so hazardous as to justify such prohibition in their judgment.
(Ord. 1055, passed 11-19-2019; Am. Ord. 1070, passed 11-15-2022)