(A)   Any owner of real property may request and apply through the Planning Department to enter into a development agreement. Acceptance of the application is contingent on the following:
      (1)   The status of the applicant, as having a legal or equitable interest in the property, is established to the satisfaction of the Planning Department.
      (2)   The application is made on forms approved by, and contains all information required by, the Planning Department.
   (B)   The Planning Department shall receive, review, and process all applications for development agreements and prepare recommendations for Planning Commission and City Council consideration for all such applications.
   (C)   Processing fees shall be collected for any applications for a development agreement made in compliance with this article. Said fees shall compensate the city for all costs associated with the consideration and processing of the application, including, without limitation, staff time and costs incurred through the use of any outside consultants or attorneys. Additionally, appropriate fees shall be collected for periodic reviews conducted by the Planning Department in compliance with the terms of this article and state law. Said fees shall compensate the city for all costs associated with the periodic reviews including, without limitation, staff time and costs incurred through the use of any outside consultants or attorneys.
   (D)   An application for a development agreement is a "project" which shall comply with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"). The applicant shall compensate the city for all costs associated with CEQA compliance including, without limitation, payment of any environmental consulting fees incurred by the city.
(Ord. 951, passed 3-16-2004)