(A)   Prior to the city approving the removal of any mature native or heritage trees, an applicant shall provide to the Planning Department a plan to mitigate the loss of the trees. Mitigation shall be, on-site or off-site replacement within the city as specified below, or other method approved by the Planning Commission.
   (B)   A "Tree Replacement Plan" (TRP) shall accompany all requests for removal of any mature native or heritage trees and shall be submitted to and subject to approval of the Planning Director. The TRP shall be implemented within a period of time specified by Planning Director. The TRP shall include the following information:
      (1)   A site plan indicating the locations, species and d.b.h. of all heritage and mature native trees on the lot. A site plan indicating the locations, species and d.b.h. of all heritage and mature native trees to be removed and the proposed locations, species and size of all replacement trees. Replacement trees shall be the same species as those removed. However, unique circumstances may make same species replacement impractical. In those cases, when approved by the City Planning Director, replacement trees may be from the City's Master Plan Tree Plan;
      (2)   A property owner's or authorized agent's statement guaranteeing to irrigate and maintain all replacement trees in a healthy manner for a duration of not less than three years shall be attached to the site plan;
      (3)   Planting and irrigation details; and
      (4)   The schedule for implementing the TRP.
(Ord. 946, passed 10-7-2003)