(A)   All persons or businesses seeking to use the airport facilities for any purpose which is not authorized by the city codes or by written consent of the city, shall, prior to making the use, make application in writing to and obtain the written consent of the Airport Manager.
   (B)   The written application for use of the airport facilities shall contain the following information:
      (1)   The name, address and phone number of the person or business making the application; and
      (2)   The specific type of use which is requested to be made of the airport; the length of time which the use shall be made of the airport and the date upon which use shall start; the number of persons to be involved in the use and the type of equipment or aircraft to be used, if any; and whether the use is being made for recreational, nonprofit or business purposes.
   (C)   Upon receipt of the request containing the above information, the Airport Manager will inform the applicant in writing whether the use will be permitted; and if the use is permitted, the terms and conditions with which the applicant must comply prior to the making, and during the making, of the use.
   (D)   Appeals from the decision of the Airport Manager shall be in writing and directed to the Airport Commission. All appeals, in order to be considered, shall be filed with the city within 15 days of the date of the document containing the information from the Airport Manager from which the appeal is taken. Appeal to the City Council from the decision of the Airport Commission may be made in writing and, in order to be considered, must be filed with the city within 15 days following the date upon which the decision of the Airport Commission is made.
(`61 Code, § 3A.18) (Ord. 842, passed 6-2-1992)