Section 6.2  Special Meetings
   The Clerk - Treasurer shall notify members of the Council of special meetings upon the written request of the Mayor, the City Manager, or any two Councilors.  Notice of special meetings shall be delivered to Councilors personally or left at their usual places of residence at least 18 hours prior to the time of the meeting.  At the same time, the Clerk-Treasurer shall give notice of special meetings in accordance with the provisions of the State Open Meetings Law.  Any special meeting at which four Council members are present or have waived notice thereof in writing, shall be a legal meeting for all purposes if the public and the media firms have received notice as provided in this section.  The Council may hold an emergency meeting upon the call of the Mayor, City Manager, or two Council members without giving notice as required in this section if delay would threaten severe and imminent danger to the health, safety, and welfare of the public, and four Councilor members at the meeting vote to approve proceeding under emergency conditions.